Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Stress Low=Skin Glow!!!

If you notice that your skin acts up whenever your stress levels are high you may want to do your complexion a favor---calm down! Pychodermatology is a field that is growing as dermatologist take a more integrated approach to the correlation between the mind and the body (specifically the skin). Studies show that skin disorders like eczema, rosacea, psoriasis, and of course acne tend to flare up when stress levels are high.

Interestingly, Bruce Katz, MD, director of the Juva Skin and Laser Center and the director of the cosmetic surgery and laser clinic at Mount Sinai Medical School, explains it this way: "It's the target organ theory, and certain people have different target organs that channel stress," he tells WebMD. "Some people get ulcers, some people get migraines, and other people get rashes as the skin is their target organ," he says (

Make sure to keep your body and your skin in balance!

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